
Sensifemme is a self-examination breast cancer glove that increases the sensitivity of touch, allowing detection faster and more accurate of any unknown formation, even lumps the size of a pinhead or a grain of sugar. In the case of breast cancer, its early diagnosis significantly increases the chance of cure.

It facilitates a more uniform palpation and without any resistance or friction that may affect the touch.

It allows detecting more accurate changes in the skin or the structure of the chest.

It works according to the scientific principle of blocking and expansion reducing friction of the movement of the breast during the self-examination.

It increases up to 8 times the sensitivity of the fingers compared to bare hand.

Reliable, practical, comfortable, and economical.

Washable and reusable within 36 months.

Prevention is in your hands

Using the Sensifemme self-examination glove does not replace the necessity for a yearly breast examination by a healthcare professional.
REFERENCES: Brasil Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of the Sensifemme® - Vanessa Monteiro Sanvido Preceptor and graduate student of the Discipline of Mastology EPM-UNIFESP. Mexican Study - Evaluation and Performance Indicators of Public Programs, Francisco López Herrera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mayo 18, 2015. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jun, Vol-11(6): XC01-XC05. Congresso Paulista de Obsteryricia e Ginecologia 170. Sensifemme study: Universitat d'Alacant - Joaquin De Juan; Professor of Cell Biology: October 14th 2010. Sensifemme Product Insert: last revision of instructions for use June 2016.
Legal Notice ** Class A Medical Device for more information, refer to the patient leaflet. ZA.01.SFG001.06/2022. Leosteph Healthcare Proprietary Limited. Reg No: 2016/313943/07. PO Box 228, Faerie Glen, Pretoria East, 0443, South Africa. Tel: +27 12 993 2136.